What’s new

The International Barcode of Life Conference



The 5th International Barcode of Life conference in Kunming marks the 10-year anniversary for DNA barcoding as an world-wide initiative. The progress during this time has been immense and DNA barcoding is now used in for instance research, biomonitoring, border control, food safety, education and citizen science. For this reason I have high expectations for the meeting in Kunming. An official program is not yet ready, but an unpublished draft that I have seen promises very interesting sessions and many high profile researchers for the invited talks. News and updates are regularly posted on the conference website: www.dnabarcodes2013.org. Submission deadline for abstracts is July 31, while early registration deadline is September 15.


Welcome to the new NorBOL web pages!

It is a pleasure to be able to announce the new web pages for the Norwegian Barcode of Life Network (NorBOL). On these pages we present DNA barcoding and DNA barcode projects in Norway and will give regular progress updates on the barcode library of Norwegian species.

The use of DNA barcoding in biodiversity research has seen a marked increase over the last few years, also in Norway. Currently, nearly 100 different DNA barcode projects have been registered by NorBOL. Most of these deposit or have deposited sequence data and accompanying information in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) and are included in the progress update presented on these pages.

Thanks for visiting our pages and please don’t hesitate to contact us in case you would like to contribute to NorBOL!
