DNA barcoding of Insects from the Swedish Malaise Trap Project

Gunnhild Marthinsen (Natural History Museum Oslo) and Aina Mærk Aspaas (NTNU University Museum) visited Station Linné on Öland in June/July 2015 to sample insects from the Swedish Malaise Trap Project. As part of the collaboration  between NorBOL and the Swedish Barcode of Life Initiative (SweBOL), the two barcode managers wanted to sample Nordic insect species that had not already been barcoded from Norway.

Aina-Aspaas-Oland-labAina Mærk Aspaas samples insect legs on Station Linné. Photo: Gunnhild Marthinsen.

By the end of a short week, Aina and Gunnhild had sampled and photographed nearly 600 insects. The samples will be shipped to the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario for DNA analyses in August and results are expected later this autumn.

Gunnhild-Marthinsen-Oland-lGunnhild Marthinsen photographs hymenoptera on Station Linné. Photo: Aina Mærk Aspaas.

Thanks to Pelle Magnusson and Dave Karlsson for all help at the station!